A common challenge in organizations is to align the capabilities, systems, applications and services offered by the IT department with the strategy of the company.
Likewise, it is demanded to standardize and adopt new technologies to be more agile, reduce costs and provide innovation capacity to the organization and its processes.
An analysis of the strategy of your organization and the IT department allows you to identify and display opportunities for improvement that free your resources so that they can develop activities of greater value to the company.
Through a Systems Master Plan, you can inventory the systems and applications, detect which can be consolidated and define the lines of action and projects that can make your systems more integrated, agile and with a lower maintenance cost.
To gain results, count on our services oriented to:
- Judicial Experts in Private Security.
- Outsourcing of IT services for companies and public administrations.
- Application of the LOPD in terms of video surveillance.
- Management and processing of video surveillance systems in the CCDVC.
- IT project management and maintenance 7 x 24.
- Strategic systems planning.
- Systems consolidation and technological innovation (development, Cloud Computing ...).
- Outsourcing of systems management and Software as a Service.
- Team formation